
Photos by Ryan

Hello friends and family!  We made it to Florida safe and sound, praise God!  It has been an adventurous, challenging, and blessed week, and we are very glad to be living here!  What a beautiful tropical paradise!  Thank You Jesus!

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I have a bit of a story to tell you about the very next day, which was our first full day here.  We were shopping at the local Walmart that morning and we were in the electronics section.  I set my wallet and phone down to pick up a TV and put it in the cart, but I forgot to pick my wallet and phone back up afterwards.  Some guy ended up stealing both and he went on a $2,800 shopping spree with my credit card.  Thankfully, I was able to cancel the card and I am not responsible for the fraudulent charges.  I worked with the police and they already have a photo of him and his vehicle from a pawn shop, where he bought a $420 gold watch.  Please pray for that man.  I forgive him.  He caused a lot of panic and trouble, but I forgive him and I pray for him to see the error of his ways and come to Jesus.

I also had my debit card and Colorado driver’s license in my wallet.  He wasn’t able to charge anything to the debit.  I actually got my phone back because the guy threw it in a Lowe’s parking lot.  A Lowe’s employee’s wife found my phone and they helped us when my wife called my phone.  That is where we also met the police to file a report.  It was awesome getting my phone back, praise God!

It was quite a day and very frustrating.  I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to get my Florida driver’s license because my Colorado one was stolen, but God wasn’t going to let the evil one get away with that hit on me and my family.  The very next day we went to the DMV and they were so nice!  The people here are incredibly friendly and we love it.  The lady was able to look me up in the system and after showing her the requested personal documents, she issued me a Florida driver’s license!  We also got our license plate the same day (Florida only has a rear plate).  It was amazing after all we had been through the day before.  We are officially residents of Florida as of July 23rd, 2024!  Praise God!!!

God is truly amazing!  It has been a whirlwind of change, but through it all, He has guided us and been with us every step of the way.  Thank You Lord for your faithfulness, goodness, and love!  You truly are a God who works miracles and parts seas for your people!  You alone are God!!!

We absolutely love it here!  I love it more than I could have imagined!  The humidity isn’t bad at all.  It’s more of a temperate tropical moist air, and we get cool breezes from the Gulf of Mexico.  We are only 10 minutes from Venice beach!  It’s much different watching the weather channel now.  I have more in common weather wise with my brothers and sisters down in the Islands and South America, than I do with the majority of people in my country.  I’ve been listening to news this morning about Tropical Cyclone Nine in the Virgin Islands, and how it might hit Florida in a few days.  Praying for everyone in the path and that God would ease the storm.

We love the sunshine and rain, and the bugs aren’t too bad.  I had to do some damage control when we first moved in because it hadn’t been rented since April.  A bit of bug spray and a vacuum took care of it.  We did see our first palmetto bug, which was funny.  They are kind of cute and they sure are fast.  Our agent said they have wolf spiders the size of your hand here, so we hope to never see one of those.

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When we first got here, it was like landing on a different planet.  All the new sounds of bugs and animals and the wet tropical environment are fascinating.  Huge contrast from the dry mountainous region of Colorado.  We all love it and it’s great to see how happy my wife and kids are down here.  It truly shows me just how stressed out and over taxed we were in the Denver metro area.


We call this little guy Mr. Sticky Fingers. He likes to come see what’s going on in the morning.




We visited Venice beach a couple days ago and it was gorgeous.  The Gulf is so warm and calm and the people are friendly and chill.  The beaches are clean too.  It is such an amazing blessing to be so close to the ocean and beaches.  We are amazed that this is our home now and we are feeling more and more at home every day.



The Lord has already opened up doors to preach His Name, and we found out our neighbors are Christians too.  Nice older couple with grown kids and lots of grand kids.  We love how laid back everyone is here and we love the slower pace.  This place is very healing for our whole family.

We had some mover guys help us unload the pod yesterday, and the Lord opened a door to preach about the mark of the beast and how it all relates to what is going on in our time with mandatory vaccines leading to implantable microchips.  We also talked about guns and the great laws that support gun rights here.  It was an awesome conversation and after listening to me preach a bit, the one guy who knew the Word told me, “You are in the right place, man!”  I agree, perfect fit!  My heart is overjoyed to be here, praise God!

I am among people who love God, America, and freedom, and I love it!  There are still plenty of people here who don’t know the Lord and need to hear the Gospel (like the guy who robbed me), but it is very refreshing being in a community with a lot more believers.  Colorado will always be in my heart and it hurts to think about what the liberals have done to the state I love, grew up in, and spent 34 years of my life in, but it’s time to move forward into the new life God has for us and never look back.

I feel more free down here than I have in years, and the Lord’s plans for us are more than we could have asked or imagined.  We have our eyes fixed on Him as He leads us and we trust Him and His love for us.  God is good and His love endures forever, and don’t ever forget it!

Grace and peace to you all from sunny Florida!


“You are my God, and I will give you


you are my God, and I will exalt you.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;

his love endures forever.”

Psalm 118:28-29

Posted on Categories Christianity, FaithTags Forgiveness, 天眼加速器和express, 天眼加速器和express, Love66 Comments on Tropical Paradise



Hello friends and family, and God bless you all!  I finally have a chance to catch my breath from everything with the move and I wanted to share some more praise updates.  God continues to move in power as He makes the way for us to Florida!  We sold our home in only 3 days!  We had a total of only 8 showings and it ended up being the very first showing on Friday that made the offer.  We all signed the contract on Sunday, we already passed the inspection yesterday, and everything is moving forward covered in blessings!  God is so good!  Thank You Jesus!

Thank you to all of you who are praying for us!  It has been a challenging yet rewarding week with all the heavy lifting and cleaning, but we got it done in the power of the Holy Spirit, and except for some sore muscles, nobody got hurt.  The pod is almost totally packed and we have all the heavy stuff out of the house.  Just a few more days in Colorado, then we head southeast towards Oklahoma early Sunday morning.  We plan on driving through Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Mississippi, then travel along the gulf coast into Florida all the way down to Port Charlotte.

I’ll tell you what, even after all these years following the Lord, He never ceases to amaze me!  If something in your life is God’s will, absolutely nothing can stop God from accomplishing that purpose in your life.  If He makes a way for you, He will see it through to completion.  We still have to do our part and be ready to act and do what it takes to get there, but it will be God who blesses us with victory.

I am also amazed at how much strength and stamina the Lord gave me!  Even after 8 1/2 years of suffering Celiac, I was able to move way more than I thought I could.  Angels had to have been helping us because we moved some real heavy items without any trouble.  It still amazes me how we got our big couch out of the front doorway without breaking anything.  So glad that is done, praise God!

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It’s been such a busy week that I haven’t been keeping up with news or social media much, which actually has been kind of nice.  I’m sure everyone is still arguing about politics, Covid, masks, and social distancing, and I probably didn’t miss much.  It’s been refreshing to just focus on my family and spend time in God’s Word and prayer.  I recommend everyone turn off the news and stop listening to all the hatred, lies, and fear, and start loving each other like Jesus told us to.

Thank you all for your prayers!  We are excited for what God has planned for us and we know that He is in control of all of it.  I stand in awe of what God has done and I feel humbled and blessed to watch Him at work as He moves in power!  May His glorious will be done!

Grace and peace to you all!


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Posted on 天眼加速器和expressChristianity, FaithTags Forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Love51 Comments on Moving In God’s Power


Gulf Intercoastal Waterway in Venice Florida
Photo by InnAtTheBeach, Gulf Intercoastal Waterway in Venice, Florida

Some of you may remember my post about possibly moving to Florida, and you might remember that I said I felt like God needed to part the sea for us to move there.  Well, God parted the sea and He made a way where there was no way!  Florida, here we come!

My wife was just offered a teaching position this morning and it was her top choice!  She starts in August, so we are moving to Florida this month!  I’m sitting here laughing just writing that!  It is truly amazing what has happened the last few days and I appreciate all of you who prayed for us.  God answered fast and everything fell into place so smoothly!

I had asked the Lord that if He wanted us to move to Florida, then please move in power and make a way because I didn’t see a way.  I asked Him to move in such a way that we would know it was from Him and it was His will.  So many things had to happen and they all happened one after another!  Praise God!

It started with my wife getting her permanent Colorado license renewal in just a couple weeks.  That was supposed to take months.  Then she was able to submit everything for her Florida license, and the Human Resource lady let her know she could apply for jobs even though they are still waiting on her college transcripts.  She applied for several jobs and within a day she got an interview for this morning.  One hour after the interview, they called back and offered her the job!  It’s so crazy fast and perfect that only God could do this!  I’m still in shock and just praising God!  He never ceases to amaze me, even after all He has shown me!

We will be living in Venice, which has won awards for being a happy seaside town and one of the best places to live in Florida.  The schools are great and the whole area is beautiful, and we are all excited.  Our kids are really excited that the rental home has a private backyard pool.  We will rent for 6 to 8 months while our new home is being built.  We decided against having a pool in our new home.  It’s too expensive, but our new neighborhood will have a pool just like here anyway.  We are all looking forward to hot sunny weather, beaches, and palm trees.

It’s looking like we will be moving around the end of July.  I probably won’t be on the blog as much because we have a ton of stuff to do.  The moving POD is being delivered tomorrow, piano movers are coming soon, and we have to get our house ready for showings.  If you’ve done it, then you know what’s ahead of us.  Prayers are appreciated!

I guess I’m writing this to clear my head a bit and make sense of everything too.  I am going to miss Colorado.  I’ve lived here almost all my life.  This is where I grew up and it will always be in my heart.  But it’s just too expensive to live here anymore.  We are definitely looking forward to a lower cost of living and no state income tax.  We recently read an article that said our county here in Colorado (Douglas County) is as expensive as San Diego now.  Yeah, don’t we know it!  It’s ridiculous and they just keep raising the taxes.

Photo by Ryan, Pikes Peak, 3-22-2024

I will miss the mountains and our Rocky Mountain views, but I won’t miss the winters, especially shoveling snow and being cold for half the year.  Won’t miss the spring blizzards either.  My snowboarding days are behind me, and I suppose retiring on a beach with year round warm weather and sunshine sounds pretty good to me.  My wife and kids absolutely love the ocean and the beach and we have always wanted to live in a tropical vacation spot.  God makes dreams come true, and nothing is impossible for God!

Photo by visitvenicefl.org, Venice Mainstreet

Thank You Jesus for all you have done for us!  Guide us, Lord, and give us wisdom as we follow You on this new journey You have for us.  May Your will be done!

Thank you all for your prayers!

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the LORD drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land.  The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.”


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Luke 1:37

Grace and peace!

green加速器官网下载Categories Christianity, FaithTags Forgiveness, green加速器官网下载, Jesus, Sgreen加速器官网57 Comments on God Made A Way


Geared up

Hello friends and family.  This post has been on my heart for awhile now.  Most of you have known me for years and some have known me my whole life.  You know I love Jesus with all my heart and I hate violence.  But I want to be very clear about something.  God’s Word teaches us that love always protects, and I will fight to protect my family and my country that I love.

“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

1 Corinthians 13:6-7

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Just yesterday I saw news about Catholics who were beat up by a BLM mob while they were trying to pray.  It disgusted me to see that old man being beat on by those pathetic chumps.  How much more violence are we going to allow?  If the authorities won’t do their jobs and protect people, then we will do it ourselves, and we have the Constitutional right to do so.

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I would have stood shoulder to shoulder with that couple in St. Louis.  I will not let anyone hurt my family or my neighbors.  I will not let evil prevail in my presence.  I will fight back and overcome it in the power of the Holy Spirit!  I don’t want violence.  I hate violence!  Just remember, protecting those you love is not violent, it is loving.

The hateful racist BLM and Antifa hordes are the ones who are violent committing acts of heinous violence in our streets.  I will never let that army of evil cause destruction and death in my neighborhood!  They want to keep threatening white people and they want to hate us just because we are white?  Okay, but they better be ready for the day God rises up in truth and justice and strikes them down through the God fearing Patriot militia!  Always remember, God is full of grace and truth.  He is a just and loving God who will bring justice with great vengeance and fury if He has to.

Sheriffs all over the country are already telling people to stand up and fight back.  Rally around your Sheriffs when the time comes and stay ready!  They can deputize you on the spot and it is the best way to legally form a Constitutional militia.  I never had the honor of serving in our armed forces, but I personally took the same oath and I intend on fulfilling it, even if it means my death.  If that’s what it takes for my kids and country to be free, then so be it.  I willingly serve at the pleasure of President Trump and my local Sheriff and I am awaiting orders.

American flag

“I, Ryan Callahan, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

This isn’t a joke.  This isn’t some tough talk nonsense or a rant.  I might not have had military experience, but I have been training my whole life.  I am a self-defense and gun enthusiast, and I’ve always enjoyed shooting.  From dry fire practice, range time, and speed drills to customizing my rifles and pistols, I am all in.  Iron sights are my favorite and the Lord has given me a gift in using them.  My initial instructor was an old Gunny type guy who spent 25 years training SWAT teams.  I even learned rock climbing and did rappelling down a huge mountain when I was in college.  I can rappel, I can shoot, and I can fight like any soldier out there and I am ready to join my brothers at any time.

Take a look at my photo.  That is a Patriot militia uniform.  Take a good look and notice the patches.  When you see us on the streets fighting Antifa and BLM terrorists, we will be easily identifiable so there is no confusion.  We won’t be in all black like the cowards.  I will be fighting under the legal Constitutional right to wear that uniform and fulfill my oath.  When you see men like me in our uniforms, you will know we are not your enemy and we are there to help.  We are there to support our Sheriffs and all law enforcement officers and we are there to rescue you, your neighborhood, and your city.  We support and love all of our brave law enforcement officers!  Thank you for all you do!

Thin Blue Line flag

I read an article the other day written by famous country musician Charlie Daniels.  His words reached deep in my heart and touched my soul.  He is 83 years old and his words are very wise.  He warned that he has never seen a time like this in our country and he exhorted Americans to stand up tall for truth and righteousness.  It’s a short article, but it packs a punch.  Please take a moment to listen to him.

Pick a Side by Charlie Daniels

I completely agree with Charlie!  He is seeing things clearly in the power of the Holy Spirit when he says:

“The time is swiftly coming in America when everybody who cares about having a future is going to have to pick a side.

When you get past the very thin patina of  “peaceful” protest and look beyond the fallacy that violence and destruction bring about racial equality, you have to come to the conclusion that there is a radical fringe of people who would literally burn this country down, given the opportunity.

You’ll never here it in the media, but if you’re willing to scratch the surface and dig a little bit, it will dawn on you that this is not a simple protest against the unjust killing of a black man, but a revolutionary street battle against America and everything we stand for and it IS funded and lead by socialist factions, and it’s not just in the US but in many democratic nations around the world.

In other words, an all-out socialist attack on our Republic.”


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I am a believer in Jesus Christ, I am a conservative, and I am white.  Hate me if you want to, but know that I will never bow to any man, especially to those who spread hatred and lies and achieve their goals through chaos, destruction, and murdering innocent people in the streets.  If any BLM or Antifa terrorist happens to read this, know that I will be here to fight you, and my brothers and I will strike you down in the power of God.  He is coming for you and you better repent while you still can.

“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God–having a form of godliness but denying its power.  Have nothing to do with them.”

2 Timothy 3:1-5

Sound familiar?  Yes, I believe we are in the last days.  We don’t know how long it will take to play out and we don’t know the exact times or dates of the end, but we see the signs of the times all around us.  Jesus is indeed coming soon!  If you don’t know Jesus, now is a real good time to meet Him!

“That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9

God bless all the brave Patriot 3%ers in this country who are ready to fight back!  We are the last line of defense!  You are my brothers and sisters and I am with you!  Stand up for truth and righteousness and never back down!  God have mercy and God bless us with great victory!  God bless America!

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who trains my hands for war,

my fingers for battle.

He is my loving God and my fortress,

my stronghold and my deliverer,

my shield, in whom I take refuge,

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Psalm 144:1-2

Grace and peace to you all!

Posted on Categories Christianity, Faith云帆加速安卓版Forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Love35 Comments on I Took An Oath



If you haven’t heard, hundreds of thousands of people are leaving the censorship gulag known as Twitter and heading to free speech paradise Parler.  I’m one of them!  We are fed up with Twitter’s illegal censorship and harassment, and the exodus from Twitter has begun!  Praise God!  Welcome to the #TWEXIT!

I joined Parler yesterday and I already love it so much better!  It’s so nice to not be throttled and shadow banned for speaking the truth!  There are a lot of conservatives and Christians on Parler because we are the main political and faith based group Twitter persecutes.  I’ve been on Twitter for almost two years and they have persecuted me the entire time.  They pretty much have me pinned down now.

My account is so slow, I can barely use it.  They continue to hide notifications, purge followers, block tweets and retweets, take likes, and throttle my account to the point I see white screens and the spinning blue circle for a long time before each page loads.  I’ve also dealt with trolls falsely accusing me and reporting me to Twitter in an attempt to get me banned.  I’m actually surprised they haven’t just banned me after all they do to persecute me.

They have really ramped up their persecution as we enter the homestretch of the election because they hate Trump and all those who support him.  Twitter supports the violence and hatred of BLM and Antifa and all the twisted race baiting lies of the “social justice” movement.  They hate America and our Constitution, so they allow accounts that promote socialist insurrection while banning accounts that are Pro-Life, Pro-God, Pro-America, Pro-Freedom, and the one they hate the most, Pro-Trump.

Always remember, this is a spiritual war.  The CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, is a self proclaimed satan worshiping pedophile.  He is a billionaire member of the new world order and he is not shy about his evil lifestyle in his tweets.  Seriously, his tweets are disgusting.  He hates truth and righteousness and he especially hates Christians.  That is why Twitter attempts to silence conservative Christians.  They are a God-hating leftist platform that caters to leftist ideology.  Pray for Jack.  Maybe God will yet have mercy on him and he will see the error of his wicked ways.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Ephesians 6:10-13

The numbers are not looking good for Twitter.  Parler just took the number one spot over Twitter for social media apps, and 500,000 people joined Parler in just 3 days this week.

500,000 Users Sign Up For Parler In Three Days After Twitter Suspends Pro-Trump Accounts

Here is a parley (Parler’s version of a tweet) from the founder and CEO of Parler, John Matze:

Screenshot_2024-06-26 Parler Free Speech Social Network

Amen to that!  I completely agree with John!  That is exactly what we want and that is exactly what the First Amendment of our Constitution gives us a right to!  Free discussion!  We are not going to be told what to think, how to think, or what to say!  The so called “fact checkers” at Twitter are just a bunch of liberals who hate conservatives and conservative speech.  They are not the standard of truth by which all facts get checked.  Talk about bias and conflict of interest!

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Parler truly is unbiased social media.  No censorship, no shadow banning, and no socialist Democrat bias!  Like they say on the Parler homepage:


That is the way all social media should be!  Facebook, YouTube, and Google need to stop censoring conservatives too.  Technofascism is exactly what it is!  The social media giants fancy themselves as thought police and they revel in the power.  They do not have the right to dictate and control thought and speech.  They do not have the right to ban people based on political, religious, or any other affiliation either.  That is called discrimination and that is illegal in America.  It is sad that so many liberal Americans agree with the destruction of free speech.  It’s all well and good when they are banning our speech, but what about when they come for you?  Free speech must be protected and preserved for all!

How weak our society has become that instead of free thought and open intellectual debate, half the country would rather shout down and ban all speech they disagree with.  It’s not conservatives calling for liberal speech to be banned and it never will be.  It’s the socialist Democrats that always want to dictate and control everything like tyrants.  They are the ones calling for the destruction of the First Amendment with their insane SJW cancel culture mob.  They are the ones throwing a fit and demanding people be fired whenever people speak truth they don’t want to hear.  It is pathetic and we need a serious renaissance of free speech in this country!  We must not ever bow to the violent demands of the leftist mobs no matter how much they threaten us!  We are free Americans and we will fight for our freedom!

I will continue the fight on Parler.  I will most likely be deactivating my Twitter account after the election.  I’ve fought too hard to delete it now.  They might have been able to bog down my account, but they can’t shut me up.  I’ve sent out 6,686 tweets since August of 2018.  I have way too many memes and articles on there that I need to save, and I will use it as a resource for Parler for the time being.

There are over 6,000 people on my Twitter, but for the last few months most of them never even see my tweets because of the constant shadow banning.  Hopefully, they will somehow see my tweet about joining Parler.  There are already 249 people following me on Parler after just a day, and yes, I have already shared the Gospel with them.  Glory to God!

My main ministry is this blog and I will keep preaching the Gospel and speaking truth to power here too.  I praise God that He used me to strike at the enemy behind enemy lines.  I was able to get a whole lot of truth out before Twitter was able to pin me down, and the way I am being treated shows I am a threat to their evil ideology.

There are liberals on Parler too, but not as many, and they don’t have Twitter backing up their bully tactics either.  Some people are concerned that Parler and Twitter will just become two separate factions with each group going to their respective corners.  That could happen, but at least the truth will be spoken.  Let people see how hateful and vile the liberals are on Twitter.  It will become nothing but an echo chamber of lies once the conservatives leave, and it will eventually implode under the weight of its own corruption.

People will always love freedom over tyranny, and people are free to be themselves and speak freely on Parler.  People don’t like being harassed, persecuted, controlled, manipulated, and censored.  All Parler has to do is keep promoting and protecting free speech and they will beat Twitter soundly.  All we have to do is keep standing firm and speaking the truth and we will beat the lies of the leftist mob too.

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You can find me on Parler at: @AuthorRyanC.  God bless you all, God bless President Trump, and God bless America!

Grace and peace to you all!

Posted on Categories Christianity, FaithTags Forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Love90 Comments on Free Speech Paradise


Wedding 1

Today is June 23, 2024.  Nineteen years ago today, on June 23, 2001, my wife and I were married at a beautiful chapel in downtown Denver.  We met and fell in love in college and we’ve been together ever since.  Happy Anniversary honey, I love you!

My wife and I have been through a lot of suffering and trials together.  From the very beginning, our marriage seemed destined to face trials and tribulations when our country was attacked just 3 months later on September 11th.  Quite a start into the economy for a newly wed couple trying to make it.  I was selling cars back then.  Thank God that 0% financing came out after that, or we probably wouldn’t have sold any cars.  My wife was still in college at the time and we lived in a small apartment outside of our University’s campus.  Neither of us had celebrated our birthdays yet that year, so I was 22 and my wife was 20 the day we got married.  We were young and deeply in love and we still are.  Well, in love anyway.  Not so young anymore.

We committed our lives, marriage, hopes, and dreams to Jesus and He is the reason we are still together today.  The Lord has given us two beautiful children and we are blessed to watch them grow and live peaceful healthy lives.  Even through all the pain and suffering of Celiac Disease, the Lord has held us together strong and He has never given up on us.  He is a mighty God that deserves all our praise!

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“When a tree is tested by the wind, its roots make the tree stronger so it can withstand storms.  That’s our love and life together.  We have been tested and tried, but have come out stronger.”


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Jesus carried us through that fire and He strengthened and refined us like silver.  He held us through all the arguments and disappointments.  All the job loss and debt.  All the stress and attempts by the enemy to tear us apart.  Jesus held us through it all!

You don’t get to 19 years of marriage without trouble.  Love takes your whole heart and marriage will prove that to you.  Marriage takes sacrifice, hard work, and lots and lots of forgiveness.  Believe me, you will not go far without forgiveness.  Whatever trials you are going through today, let those hardships bring you together, not tear you apart.  Love and forgive as Jesus loves and forgives you, and let it go.  Don’t keep a record of wrongs.  Move forward in love and stay strong together as one!  That is what 19 years being married to the same woman I fell in love with in my youth has taught me.  Hold on to Jesus together and never let go!

“Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

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1 Corinthians 13:4-8

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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

Tend the garden of your marriage well and fight for each other.  Don’t let weeds sprout up and choke out your joy and love.  Take care of those weeds right when they pop up and dig them out from the root!  Stand firm together in Christ and don’t let the evil one ever get a foot hold!  You truly do become one in the Spirit and you must fight back together by the power of the Holy Spirit.  The evil one will try to separate you and pit you against each other.  Fight for each other in Christ!  Fight back through prayer, God’s Word, and putting forgiveness into action!  Fight back through love!

Marriage is not easy, but I would do it all over again with the same beautiful woman I am with today and will be with for the rest of my life!  She is the mother of our children, my best friend, and the woman I love, and I am forever blessed to have found her!  Thank you Jesus for all you have done for us!

Grace and peace to you all!

Posted on Categories Christianity, green加速器安卓破解版Tags Forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Love72 Comments on Our 19th Anniversary


Happy Fathers Day

Happy Father’s Day to my Dad and all the great Dads out there!  Being a father is a great honor and responsibility, and I pray all of us who are Dads will love our children as our Father in Heaven loves them.  I can’t even express in words how much I love our kids!  It’s awesome being a Dad!

My number one job as a Father is to love and protect my kids with all my heart.  The best way I can do that is to point them to their Heavenly Father who loves them perfectly.  I teach them His Word and pray with them and for them every day.  They know how much Jesus loves them and they have since they were little.  They know all my stories of what God has done for me and they know I’ve had a very weird life, and they love it.  They know all things are possible with God!

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Matthew 19:14

The ultimate protection I can give my kids is to protect their souls, and only Jesus can do that.  I would not know what love is or how to love my kids without Jesus.  He fills my heart with overflowing love and compassion for my kids and He gives me wisdom to care for them and help them grow.  It is not easy being a Dad at times.  I’m not perfect and I’ve made my mistakes along the way, but the Lord always empowers me in the Holy Spirit to be the man, father, and husband He wants me to be.  Glory to God for His grace!  He is a loving Father and He never gives up on us!

“We love because he first loved us.”


“…Never will I leave you;

never will I forsake you.”


That is the kind of father I strive to be.  My kids know that I will always be here for them no matter what and I will never leave them or give up on them.  They know I will defend and protect them with my life.  They know I will fight and sacrifice and suffer, so they can have a good life.  They know they can come to me for a hug and an encouraging word.  They know I will speak the truth and give them the discipline and guidance they need.  They also know I will forgive them when they do wrong and help them stay on the right path.  They know they are safe and loved beyond measure.  That is what every father’s legacy should be: love.

“Your love, O LORD, reaches to the


your faithfulness to the skies.”

Psalm 36:5

Thank you, Dad, for always being there for me.  Thank you for your love, discipline, and guidance and for all the time spent teaching me basketball and baseball, and helping me get straight As in math.  Thank you for working so hard to provide for us and all the sacrifices you made.  I’ve been a Dad now for over 12 years and it has given me a much deeper respect and appreciation for all you did for us.  I love you!

I will be enjoying time with my wife and kids today grilling some bison burgers and playing in the backyard.  Our son loves baseball and we’ve been doing a lot of batting practice lately.  He knocked a couple over the fence yesterday!  Our daughter loves kicking the soccer ball with me, and they both love riding bikes, so we have a fun filled day ahead of us.  It’s a beautiful new day and I am so thankful to be a Dad!

To all the Dads around the world, have fun with your kids today!  They love you!  Encourage them, play with them, and love them with all your heart!  We only get one life.  Make it count every day!  Happy Father’s Day!


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Due to all the craziness here in America, I have been writing a lot about all the social and political issues swirling around us.  It is always important to include a Christ centered perspective in the nationwide conversations we are having.  These conversations are changing and shaping our society, and we must speak God’s truth to it all.  Today, I want to address the rapidly spreading idea of reparations, and how ridiculous and sinful it is.

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Some have even suggested the government pay every black person a permanent livable wage.  The founder of BET (Black Entertainment Television), Robert Johnson, declared on CNBC Monday morning that the government should pay 14 Trillion dollars in reparations in the form of a cash wealth transfer.  He said white Americans need to recognize “damages that are owed.”  Not only is his suggestion ridiculous because there isn’t even that much cash available in our country’s economy, but the whole idea is ridiculous.

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How about the Native American Seneca Tribe blood I have in me from my Mom’s side?  If there were ever going to be reparations, I would think it would be best to start with all the Native Americans first.  How much money do you suppose they are owed?  Should every person with Native American genealogy, like myself, be paid reparations as well?

Nobody is denying that slavery was a horrific sin and should have never happened.  But putting that sin on every white person in America is sinful too.  Nobody in our current society has ever owned black slaves.  Republican northerners didn’t own slaves and it was the Republican President Abraham Lincoln who set the slaves free back in 1863.  Democrat southerners were the slave owners and it was the Democrats who started the KKK too.  Even so, no current southerner in our modern society has ever owned slaves either.  I was born in the late 1970s.  If you want to get real specific about it, none of my Irish ancestors owned slaves either.  I come from a persecuted people who were treated poorly alongside black people, remember?

I’m tired of hearing about “white privilege” too.  What white privilege did my Irish ancestors have?  They worked hard labor building this country.  They sweat it out in the factories and mines and laid the tracks that took our nation West.  They didn’t demand reparations and we still don’t.

I’ve been working hard since I was a kid and so has my family.  We are all subject to the controls and forced inflation of the Federal Reserve no matter our color.  People don’t need handouts.  We need good steady jobs in a thriving economy!  If you want to make it in this country, you better be ready to work hard for it.

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Should I talk about how all of you healthy people discriminate against those of us who are chronically ill?  Should I demand reparations and talk about “healthy privilege” and how you get all the jobs, benefits, and money while we are cast out of society like lepers?  It’s easier for a healthy black person to get a job, than it is for a sick white person.  Hashtag healthy privilege, right?!  Chronically ill, injured, and disabled lives matter too.

Reparations for slavery is absolutely ridiculous!  I did not commit the sin of slavery and I am not a racist.  I have nothing to apologize for regarding my white skin and God does not hold me accountable for the sin of slavery.  That sin is not on me or my children, and we don’t owe money to anyone, no matter what color they are.

Jesus Christ died for the sins of all mankind.  Each one of us is accountable to God for our own sins, and we must all individually stand before Him at our last breath.  The only way to be forgiven of our sins is through faith in Jesus Christ.  When you believe in Jesus, your sins are nailed to that cross and you become a redeemed child of God!  There is no condemnation in Christ and God keeps no record of wrongs!

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John 14:6

“This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.  There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

Romans 3:22-24

“Then he adds:

“Their sins and lawless acts

I will remember no more.”


We don’t need reparations.  We need reconciliation with God!  We all need His forgiveness and love, and that is the only thing that is going to truly change this world.  Blaming all white people in current day America for the sin of slavery that we did not commit is only going to bring more pain and division.

BLM is not seeking healing and reconciliation.  They are seeking revenge.  Hate, anger, and fear are their fuel and they are burning down our country with it.  A BLM mob even vandalized a statue honoring a man who was a slavery abolitionist.  Do they even know why they are knocking down statues?!  No, they don’t.  They are knocking them down simply because they are statues of famous white people from our history.  There is a word for that, it’s called racism.

BLM is not fooling me.  They get what they want through threats, intimidation, force, and violence.  Hating cops was just the beginning.  Their whole agenda is actually based on hating white people and they want to make us pay in any and every way they can.  Some in their group even called for making black only hospitals!  I suppose they want to put up signs that say “No Whites Allowed” and make us sit at the back of the bus too.  Would that satisfy their vengeful hearts?

I pray against their hatred and I pray the Lord heals their hearts.  I’ve said it before and I will say it again, divisions of the flesh come from satan!  Are there real racists in this country?  Yes, and they come in all colors.  Not one race has a monopoly on racism and it is sinful and racist to suggest that only white people are racist.

BLM is spreading hatred based on lies.  They are spreading the hatred of the evil one, and sadly a lot of people are buying it.  This is an attack on the very fabric of our society and the truths and freedoms we all hold dear.  Will we love our neighbors or hate them?  Will we bow to the lies or stand firm in the truth?

We need to pray for revival and healing in this country.  Pray for truth, righteousness, and justice to spread in our land!  Pray for God’s love to increase and overflow in our hearts for each other!  Pray for evil to be exposed and cast out!  Pray for lies to be cut down and pray for people’s minds and hearts to be opened to the truth!  Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on our country and save souls!  Amen!

Only God’s love can heal a hate filled heart, and it is the only thing that will heal our nation.  May His love flow through us all and bring great healing!

Grace and peace to you all!

Posted on Categories Christianity, FaithTags Forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Love44 Commentssgreen科学加速器



Most of us have been on some sort of lock down due to Coronavirus for a couple months now.  Our Governor ended the stay at home orders here in Colorado on April 26th, but we are still not completely open and that is upsetting a lot of people.  It is difficult when we don’t agree with those in authority, especially when we see other states making better decisions that uphold our Constitutional rights and civil liberties.  As Christians, what do we do when faced with this dilemma?  My advice would be to turn to Romans 13 and obey God.

Colorado is a major battleground state.  The Democrats hold the majority, but there are still plenty of conservatives here to fight the good fight.  It is not totally blue like California.  It is pretty much 50/50, and we all live in relative peace with each other.  I just pray we can vote some more conservatives in and stop the Dems from continually raising taxes.  It’s ridiculous.

It is okay to have disagreements and debates as long as we do it peacefully.  It is our right and duty to petition our government and hold our elected officials accountable when they are abusing their power or they are doing something we disagree with.  I also obey the laws even if I disagree with those who made them.

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The truth is out now about masks not helping and actually being harmful to our health.  The truth is out that they lied to us about how many deaths were actually virus related.  The truth is out that Democrats continue pushing lock downs for purely political reasons, namely to attempt stealing the election through mail-in voting and ruining the economy just to hurt Trump.  It is sickening to see Americans being used as pawns for political power.  People are suffering.  There is no reason for the states to stay locked down.  Further social distancing and masks are actually hurting people.  It is not about health and safety.  This is all about Democrats pulling out all the stops to take down Trump.

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Tucker Carlson: We were lied to about coronavirus and the mass lockdowns.  Here’s the proof.

Even though I don’t agree with wearing masks and I don’t agree with our Governor’s executive order about wearing masks in stores, as a Christian I still wear a mask when I go to the store.  I cannot disobey the executive order and I do not want to cause a scene and disturb the peace in the store.  That would be no benefit to me and I do not want to make the authorities mad and bring judgment on myself or my family.  We don’t need masks anywhere else, except in Denver, but I rarely go walking around downtown Denver.

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Romans 13:1-5

For whatever reason God has given us a majority Democrat state government being led by a Democrat Governor, I must trust Him.  I also pray that the Lord would remove wicked people from power and uphold our Constitutional freedoms.  We can submit to the authorities even if we don’t like it, and we can always petition our government, speak truth to power, and vote.

It’s sad to see my kids upset because of the continued lockdown rules regarding pools.  That is another reason they want to move to Florida.  That great red state is completely open and free to have a great summer.  Our kids spend the majority of winter inside, and swimming is their favorite summer activity.  Our HOA is using a reservation system right now and only 30 people are allowed in at a time.  We have a lot of people in our neighborhood, so it is very hard to get reservations.  My wife tried for several days and she was finally able to get a spot tomorrow afternoon.  The reservation is only for 2 hours and we can only make 2 reservations per week.  If we are able to get 2 spots per week, they will still only swim a few times.  They usually go just about every day all summer.

I have already written our HOA about it, but there is not much they can do because the restrictive orders come from Governor Polis.  It makes me upset because I pay HOA dues for the pool and I’ve paid them perfectly every month for the last almost 14 years.  The $20,000 in dues we have paid over that time should be our reservation.  We should not still be under these restrictive orders, especially when it is not based on sound health science and data.

For now, we obey the authorities and wear our masks at the store and make our pool reservations, but you better believe I keep fighting for truth, justice, and righteousness in our country.  I will continue to write our elected officials and remind them that they work for us.  I will continue to speak truth to power and cut down the lies of the left.  We are not leaving Colorado anytime soon and I won’t ever be giving up.  There is still plenty of fight left in this old Holy Spirit filled lion and I will stand up and fight back!

If Governor Polis reads this, I want you to know that I obey your orders, but also know we conservatives are not going anywhere and we are working hard to remove you and your leftist army from power.  I pray the Lord gives you wisdom to defend and uphold our Constitutional freedoms.  I pray you do not join with Governors like Cuomo and Whitmer in continuing these obviously politically motivated restrictions and lockdowns.  We should be fully open and free like the red states, and our kids should be free to be kids and have a great summer at the pool.  The people are watching, Governor, and we don’t like what we see.  Remember, God established your power and He can remove it.

Stand firm in Jesus, stand firm in the eternal truth of His Word, and speak the truth in love boldly!  God bless America and all the nations of the world!  Jesus Christ is Lord!

Grace and peace to you all!

Posted on Sgreen加速器官网Christianity, Faithexpress科学加速器安卓下载Coronavirus, Forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Love40 Comments on Democrat Lockdowns & Romans 13

You’re My Brother!

I’m really encouraged to be sharing this today!  I’ve been wanting to introduce you to this man for awhile now.  If you don’t already know him and his music, I encourage you to check him out!  My friend, fellow Patriot soldier, and brother in Christ, Bryson Gray, just came out with an awesome new song preaching truth in love about race in America.  He also speaks bold truth about the deep state, BLM, and the leftist agenda.  Bryson loves Jesus and he and I are a lot alike in our passion for patriotism and preaching the Gospel.

You can find him on twitter at: @RealBrysonGray

He also has an album out called “Maga Ain’t Got No Color” which I love and listen to a lot.  MAGA (Make America Great Again) is not racist as the left wants you to believe.  It is about having a thriving and free country for all Americans where our Constitutional rights are preserved and protected.  It is about loving our country and loving each other!  We reject the left’s socialist ideology of sin and death!  We want freedom and we will fight for it!

Bryson’s music is encouraging and clean rap that promotes Christian conservative values, and we need more of it!  Bryson is not shy about speaking the truth in all things and he is unashamed and unapologetic about his faith in Jesus.  My kind of guy and he definitely has my respect!  We fight side by side on Twitter against the rising tide of evil in our country.  We both get persecuted by Twitter and slandered by leftist haters too.  He is my brother, and my white skin and his black skin have nothing to do with it.  We are both warriors for Christ and we are one in the power of the Holy Spirit!

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“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus speaking in John 3:16

“You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Galatians 3:26-28

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Galatians 5:1


Hatred is a yoke of slavery.  Dividing each other by race is a yoke of slavery.  Stand firm in Christ in the freedom He bought for us with His own blood!  Stand firm in His love!

“If you’re white, you’re my brother, if you’re brown, you’re my brother, if you’re black, you’re my brother.  We goin’ ride for each other, no dividing each other, I don’t care about your color.”

-Bryson Gray

Grace and peace to you all!

green加速器安卓破解版Categories Christianity, FaithTags Forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Love39 Commentsexpress科学加速器ios